LETTER: Replace marriage with civil unions

I have a proposal I think would work out all the conflict surrounding same-sex marriages — get rid of the term marriage.

When a heterosexual couple gets married, they get their license from the state and their recognized benefits from the law.

Call it a civil union. If you wanted to consider yourself married under your religion, that’s fine, but all the benefits and state recognition should go to civil unions.

And because our country was founded with the idea that church and state should be separate, there shouldn’t be any problems with this.

After all, wouldn’t it be strange (just for an example) if your church could issue you a driver’s license, but the Bible specifically says you can’t have one if you drive a certain way?

Now suppose our country allows any kind of driving, so long as you obey the laws of the road, and never screw up anyone else’s driving. See where I’m going with this?

Honestly people, I’m having a really hard time with this one. Scrap the whole analogy thing. If you think your religious beliefs tell you same-sex marriage is wrong, fine.

But beyond that, I’d really like to hear one, solid way that homosexual marriage in any way interferes with another person’s life, liberty or pursuit of happiness.

Peter Schultz


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