LETTER: Bush’s victory still a mystery

As a confused Democrat, I am wondering why anyone would vote for President Bush. I am a very open-minded person, and I am ready and willing to hear from someone who voted for Bush. The problem I have is that I have yet to hear from anyone who can give me any clear reason for this decision.

Many people base their decision on moral practices. But, honestly, how can one say they voted for moral reasons, but still voted for Bush?

First, there is the issue of abortion. I don’t necessarily agree with abortion and would probably not choose this method, but I don’t have the right to tell other people what not to do. I don’t understand how you can vote against killing something that, in all technicality, cannot live without a host. But these people also vote for killing many of our young soldiers fighting a war that was started by us. It doesn’t make any sense.

In addition, President Bush was the governor of Texas, which kills more people through the death penalty than any other state. But, apparently, that doesn’t matter. People just seem to pick a topic and stick with it no matter how tainted it may be.

The second issue is the aspect of homosexuality. People are all gung-ho about stopping something that doesn’t seem to fit with their own personal beliefs. However, our country was founded by people who didn’t believe in the ideas set forth by the ruling body. Our ancestors left Europe in order to change this way of thinking. How can someone be so adamant about defending the right to bear arms — which kill people — and opposed to the rights of every American to pursue a life of happiness?

These people just sound like hypocrites to me, especially when there are popular TV shows featuring gay characters, like “Will and Grace” and “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.” Apparently, we can see them on TV, but not honor their will to live the American dream. All I want is someone to explain why they would choose a president based on moral issues, when so many of the issues that Bush has put forth go against these ideas.

Mark Schottle


Animal Science