LETTER: Non-voter defends own rationality

Well, the Daily editorial board has had its say regarding non-voters, so it seems only fair that a non-voter be given the opportunity to explain himself in the effort of fairness.

I am one of those non-voting, narcissistic slackers who the Daily editorial board has decreed all non-voters to be. It might surprise some to know that I’m reasonably informed on a multitude of political issues, quite possibly more so than the average voter, and chose not to vote of my own volition. Since we have no mechanism for casting a vote of no confidence in this country, I do what I consider to be the next best thing: not voting.

Few would likely disagree with me that each election has been a choice between the lesser of two evils. Neither candidate from the major political parties (or third parties) is terribly appealing, so we are encouraged to vote for the person we think will screw things up the least. What about not voting?

People running today care more about political power than they do about helping the average person. How voting for these people will somehow fix things is beyond me. It seems more like choosing between death by drowning or death by suffocation to me — and I’d rather live.

So go vote if it makes you feel better and makes you think you contributed to something useful. All I ask, on behalf of those like me, is for your understanding of our position. Respect us as we do you.

Scott Billings


Management Information Systems