A day in the life of an auditor

Tracy Skadeland

The hallways of the auditor’s office echoed with the endless ringing of phones Tuesday.

For Mary Mosiman, Story County auditor, Election Day was full of questions from election workers, media and the public.

Mosiman and four other election workers started the day at 6 a.m., the same time approximately 400 election workers arrived at the polling places.

The hour before voting began was spent on the phone trying to solve set-up problems.

“If they have troubles, we have people who can dash out and help them,” Mosiman said.

At 6:45 a.m., voters were already waiting in line and began filing in at 7 a.m. Mosiman received calls about electioneering, whenever there was a voter not on election rosters and from people asking which precinct they should vote in.

“The majority of workers are there the entire day with only a 20-minute break, and I know fatigue sets in,” Mosiman said.

At 3:30 p.m., Mosiman stopped home and then drove to the Lutheran church in Gilbert to vote. As an election candidate, she could not linger at any polling place.

After voting, Mosiman returned to her office in time for the after-work voting rush.

At 9 p.m., the polling places prepared to close. Mosiman spent the evening taking press calls and overseeing the check-in of voting supplies from the precincts. She did not expect to leave her office until midnight.

“Election Day is very dynamic and energizing; we’re running on adrenaline, but it’s what we build up for,” she said.