IRHA to consider parliamentary order regarding the Student Advisory Council

Ina Kadic

The Inter-Residence Hall Association will come to a conclusion Thursday on a parliamentary order proposed Oct. 21.

The order titled “We Like Representation” is intended to give IRHA’s support to the Student Advisory Council. IRHA members assumed it would immediately pass when it was proposed two weeks ago. Instead, Ross Kelderman, author of the order and president of the Union Drive Association, recommended postponing the vote on the order until Thursday.

IRHA had two problems with the order at its last meeting. First, a number of members were not present at the meeting last week and the association wanted to make sure everyone had a say in the voting process. Also, the content of the order is questionable.

“We want the Student Advisory Council to be a part of IRHA and instead the parliamentary order proposes that the council stand out on its own more,” said Michael Dale, president of Tower Residence Association. “We want to try and work with them together.”

IRHA was scheduled to vote on the order Oct. 28, however several members were not present at the meeting.

“I understand that several members had exams that evening and were unable to make it,” said Drew Larson, president of IRHA.

IRHA representatives said they wanted to have every member involved in the voting process.

“There was some miscommunication last week,” said Adam Plummer, Larch representative and co-author of the order. “Not all necessary representatives were present and we wanted to reevaluate the order since it became somewhat controversial.”

IRHA members are expecting a good debate at this week’s meeting because several members are divided on their support and concern for the parliament order.

“Our main concern is that the student advisory council will be involved in a number of the things that IRHA is already responsible for,” Dale said. “We also want to make sure that UDA is fully represented this week.”

IRHA will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.