LETTER: A big ‘thank you’ from the ISPIRG

The leadership of Iowa Student Public Interest Research Group wants to thank ISU students, especially our volunteers and senators on GSB.

The passion displayed by our volunteers can sometimes seem

overwhelming, but it provides a good demonstration of people’s

excitement about the great things we can do with a student PIRG

chapter on campus. Although the GSB did not vote to fund a campus organizer to work for students, it did pave the way for that by making us a Student-Funded Office.

We appreciate the trust and good faith demonstrated by this legislation.

We have been surprised and heartened by the enthusiasm the GSB expressed for supporting us in the future. We want to continue our efforts in a way that will be most beneficial to students, and we’re still deciding what that is.

We look forward to working with GSB senators and our volunteers to find the best solution for Iowa State.

Again, thank you to everyone for your interest in fairness and the best interests of the student body.

Chelsea Lepley


English Education

Mara Spooner


Political Science