LETTER: Gays should get to marry, adopt

I find that children who are raised by same-sex parents are better adjusted and much more open to diversity.

The only way to “confuse” a child is to call marriage an “institution of love” and then get a divorce because you hate each other. The kid is going to suffer when it’s time for visitation. A child will also become “confused” when he or she is exposed to the reality of homosexuality in the world.

If marriage is an “institution of love,” why can’t homosexuals engage in it as well? Oh, that’s right — people are confusing love with sex again! Thus, there’s a 50 percent divorce rate in America.

It was mentioned that homosexuals should not be allowed to marry because they are biologically unable to reproduce together. If this is how it is, should the government mandate fertility tests as part of the marriage licensing procedure for heterosexual couples? If they can’t reproduce together, should they be allowed to marry? The same goes for adoption — a heterosexual couple can’t reproduce, so they adopt. Why can’t a homosexual couple (who can’t reproduce) adopt, as long as they’re involved in a civil union?

Kaitlin Harrington

