IRHA dismisses bill, improper fund use

Ina Kadic and Emily Kleins

A bill submitted last week for approval by the Inter-Residence Hall Association will not be considered because it would require an inappropriate use of funds, the bill’s author said.

The bill, called “Madrigal-ly Delicious,” requested $1,080 from the Special Projects account for 60 tickets to the Madrigal Dinner.

Ross Kelderman, president of the Union Drive Association, said he decided not to propose the legislation at this week’s meeting.

“It would be inappropriate to use IRHA funds that would only provide a service for 60 students,” Kelderman said.

Larch Hall President Adam Plummer said he agreed with Kelderman’s decision to not revise and resubmit the bill, though he said it would be great to get more students involved in the event.

“If all they are doing is subsidizing, then that wouldn’t be benefiting the majority of the students, so it’s probably better that it doesn’t go through,” Plummer said.

Plummer also said he thought there were other accounts that would have been more appropriate for the bill to request money from, but that he thought it was really money that should not have come from any account.

Plummer said he thinks IRHA has done a better job of using funds appropriately this year than in the past few years.

This week, Kelderman authored a parliament order titled “We like representation,” to show IRHA’s support for the Student Advisory Council. According to the parliament order, IRHA gives its full support to the Student Advisory Council and its attempts to better the campus housing community and bridge the communication gap between the Department of Residence and students who live in residence halls.

“It’s simply our way of letting the recently formed Student Advisory Council know that we realize they have an important role and duty to the university and the Department of Residence community,” said Drew Larson, president of IRHA.

IRHA will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Maple-Willow-Larch Conference Room.