IRHA members will debate support for Student Advisory Council

Ina Kadic

The Inter-Residence Hall Association will vote on a parliament order to give its support to the Student Advisory Council.

The parliament order, proposed at the Oct. 21 meeting and titled “We Like Representation,” states that IRHA fully supports the Student Advisory Council’s efforts to better the campus housing community at Iowa State.

“I think we’ll have a good discussion this week,” said Drew Larson, president of IRHA.

“We have to make sure the wording of the order is correct and to the point.”

Alison Lima, senior in biology, will speak on behalf of the Student International Medical Aid Club, which has put together a fund-raiser to help donate medical supplies to developing countries. “Cents that Save” will run from Nov. 1 to Nov. 14.

“We are urging students in residence halls to donate their spare change in a competition with other halls and floors,” Lima said. “The money will go toward a nebulizer, a device that helps patients with breathing difficulties, for a health center in Belize.”

Cory Hanson, a junior in marketing, will speak on behalf of Dance Marathon and ask IRHA to put the word out to students living in residence halls.

IRHA will also discuss possible changes for the Fresh Start residence program, which encourages new students to get involved in co-curricular activities.

The Union Drive Association is urging administrators to take a fresh look at Fresh Start. The student organization is hoping to see changes that would encourage more upperclassmen to continue living in Fresh Start communities.

“We are looking into the future and trying to better things for the Fresh Start community,” said Nathan Taucher, Friley Hall vice president. “There are not as many returning students wanting to live in Fresh Start communities, and we want to make them more appealing to upperclassmen.”

Taucher also said that some students have not supported some policies of the communities, indicating the policies may need to be evaluated to see if they are really necessary.

According to the UDA Senate Resolution, opening portions of UDA to students not involved in Fresh Start will encourage students to return next year and would therefore increase the retention rate for UDA.

IRHA will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.