LETTER: Cigarettes aren’t Twinkies

In response to the Oct. 11 letter “Ames smoking ban not based on science” by Mr. Jon von Gillern, I would just like to say, Mr. von Gillern, that you have completely distorted the message behind the smoking ban.

I applaud those businesses that have chosen to remain smoke-free in an attempt to protect their customers and themselves. I do agree that if the owner of a business wants to allow smoking, it is his or her right. I do not agree, however, that equating a smoking ban to regulating junk food because of the obesity epidemic is an even comparison.

You make it sound as if junk food is the sole factor behind obesity when, in fact, diet, physical activity and lifestyle choices are only a few factors. People may continue to gorge themselves on Twinkies, but they are not shoving them down my throat. When a person lights a cigarette, the smoke emits more than 400 poisonous chemicals.

If I am in a room where someone is smoking, it may not be my choice to inhale those chemicals. Smoking is a single modifiable risk factor behind a plethora of health problems, including cancer. And don’t forget that the cancer with the highest prevalence rate is lung cancer. The sad fact is that one in three women and one in two men will face cancer in their lifetime. Will it be you? Or your family?

The smoking ban was not enacted to infringe the rights of business owners but to promote a safer environment to citizens. I commend programs like JEL, which are out there to arm people with education, the best defense against this explosive epidemic. So look at the issue and think about the implications and get your facts straight.

Tiffany Lentz


Health and Human Performance