COLUMN: At Iowa State, Moore is less

James Peterson Columnist

On Sunday night, I had an educational discussion with a liberal. He challenged my opinion in new ways as I challenged his opinion in new ways. It was very refreshing to have a civil conversation with someone from the other side. Then, Michael Moore showed up (an hour late).

Moore was anything but civil and anything but refreshing. But it’s important that we hear these “controversial” opinions, according to the President of this fine university. Given that, it was kind of ironic when Moore declared over and over again that the majority holds these opinions.

What was truly amazing was how this was an unabashed campaign event for John Kerry. There was little attention paid to anything other than getting him elected by bashing Bush or defending his record.

This was exemplified in one of the many ironic moments of the night, when Moore told people not to vote for Ralph Nader, who is soundly against the war because he has no chance of winning. He stated this after he stated that those dirty Republicans are saying the same thing to Kerry supporters.

But it’s OK because Ann Coulter will balance this on Oct. 29, right? Of course, but will Ann be able to give such an incredible analysis as Moore? For example, how can Kerry be a flip-flopper and the No. 1 liberal at the same time? Moore left that question unanswered to imply that it was simply impossible for both to be true. However, this is Kerry we’re talking about here.

He indeed can do the “impossible” when he says he’ll only appoint pro-choice Supreme Court justices while, at the same time, saying he’s pro-life because of being a devoted Catholic. So, in fact, it is unfair to the liberals to have their side supported by Moore and the conservative side supported by anything more lucid than a rock.

But Moore’s defense of Kerry on voting for the war was brilliant. Yes, we know Kerry voted for the war, but, as Moore said, that was because Kerry (member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, esteemed 20-year member of Congress, Vietnam veteran who served 18 tours in three weeks) got bamboozled by Bush, who, according to Moore, is the dumbest man on the planet. It all fits together so well.

That aside, Moore did make some really profound and earth-shattering revelations, such as President Bush is inarticulate and war sucks.

Not entirely articulate, you say? Well, I’m glad you’re here to tell us these things. Moore should be given an honorary professorship for his incredibly perceptive observations.

But the war is so terrible, and Iraq was so much better off before the war. Why, there were children flying kites along rivers made of chocolate with gumdrop smiles! There were some mass graves, too, but that’s not really important. What is important is that Kerry wins the next election so we can have socialized medicine.

Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. Moore advertises his new book of letters he’s gotten from troops on the front lines. It is about how they have become so disenchanted by the war not being a big laugh and how his latest movie helped them become disenchanted.

Well, pat yourself on the back, Moore, for demoralizing our troops and helping to stir up descent in the last place we will ever need it: the battlefield.

Oh, but Moore cares so much for our troops. So much so that instead of concentrating only on winning a democratic vote here in the United States, he helped make the situation worse overseas. He arrogantly implies that bootleg copies of “Fahrenheit 9/11” were distributed to those in Iraq and the military to help them see the light.

Of course, campaigning that the war is illegitimate (conveniently only when Bush is president) gives ammunition to our enemies. Actually, it’s as if Moore wants the situation for our troops to be terrible because of how it helps Kerry’s chances of getting elected.

Man, he really seems to be more of an ass than anything else. Maybe those thousands of clueless, vulgar adolescents cheering this loser on will wake up and realize they are just as much asses for supporting him.