LETTER: Moore supporters aren’t ‘asses’

I, for one, would like to thank James Peterson for calling me one of “a thousand clueless adolescents” and an ass. That will certainly validate his opinion and definitely make me change my opinions.

I am extremely tired of the knee-jerk name calling, and I was disgusted by the myths reported to the Daily as news Monday.

I saw a gentleman handing out the “Myths of ‘Fahrenheit 9/11′” flier scream at a girl for throwing it away after politely taking it. This suggests that the Daily article “Bush supporters rally at Hilton to represent GOP at ‘hostile’ event” wasn’t entirely truthful.

And another note to Peterson: I think it is terrible that you believe certain things, like “Fahrenheit 9/11” should be kept from our soldiers in Iraq. As you said, Moore’s film was “demoralizing our troops and helping stir up dissent in the last place we need it: the battlefield.” Well, Mr. Peterson, our troops aren’t trained dogs. They are intelligent human beings.

Adrienne Brant


Animal Science