IRHA to learn about SUB’s plans

Ina Kadic and Emily Kleins

Members of the Student Union Board will address the Inter-Residence Hall Association on Thursday to inform it about the SUB organization and its purpose.

Kristen Schoof, director of fine arts, and Jillian Schwarze, director of public relations, will speak at the IRHA meeting to make the group’s presence more known to members of IRHA.

Schoof said she wants IRHA to understand what the board as a whole and its directors do.

“SUB’s goal, basically, is to be your source for campus entertainment — to provide the ISU community with as much entertainment as we can,” Schoof said.

IRHA was also planning to look at a bill that encouraged students living in residence halls to take part in the university’s annual madrigal dinner.

The event, scheduled to take place in January, will be an evening set in medieval times and is to include music, entertainment and a full meal.

Tickets are about $28 for students.

Even with the student discount, tickets are still too expensive for some students, and the choral division is willing to work out a discount on tickets for students living in residence halls, according to the bill.

The bill, titled “It’s Madrigal-ly Delicious,” proposes that $1,080 of IRHA’s special projects account be used to pay for 60 tickets that are to be available for students in residence halls.

Kendra Schmid, director of finance, said the committee disagrees on whether the money should come out of the special projects account or the discretionary account.

“Special projects is meant more for larger projects that could potentially benefit more people,” Schmid said.

Vice President Carl Carlson said the bill will be up soon, but not in time for Thursday’s meeting at 7 p.m. in the Maple-Willow-Larch commons.