LETTER: Debate questions Bush must answer

After watching three presidential debates, I still have several unanswered or partially answered questions for President Bush.

Should pre-emptive military strikes continue to be a core part of our foreign policy?

Do you honestly believe that opposing the Iraq war is the same as being against the troops on the ground?

With the ever-increasing violent insurgency in Iraq, how can a democracy be established in that war-torn land?

Has the removal of Saddam Hussein really been worth the thousands of war casualties and the billions of dollars?

Do you have proof that our sacrifices in Iraq really reduced the terrorist threat in the United States?

Is our cozy relationship with the repressive regime in Saudi Arabia really in the best interest of this country?

How long are you going to promote the fear of terrorism at home so you can reap a political benefit?

Do you really believe that this country has a divine mission to impose our brand of democracy on the world?

Does your administration have any realistic plan to raise people from poverty into the middle class?

What should be done to reduce the massive income gap between corporate executives and their work force?

Doesn’t mature leadership involve admitting mistakes and adjusting future policies and actions?

This country needs a new leader who will represent the best interests of all the people and will work tirelessly to improve the quality of life in this nation. John Kerry is that individual.

Dean R. Prestemon

Professor Emeritus
