GSB gets (almost) the biggest part of fees

Andrew Shafer

The Government of the Student Body is putting its money where its mouth is.

Or, rather, it’s putting students’ money there.

According to GSB’s regular allocations recommendations for this fiscal year, of the more than 130 GSB-funded organizations, only Student Legal Services is receiving more allocated money than GSB itself.

GSB’s allocations for this fiscal year exceed that of Ethos Magazine, ISU Theatre, KURE 88.5 FM and Veishea Inc. combined, totaling $137,000 — a little more than 9 percent of GSB’s total budget.

“GSB does have a large budget, but GSB does go through the process just like any other student organization,” said GSB Finance Director Kristi Kramer. “The items in the GSB budget are very similar to other organizations. The exceptions lie in the salaries. GSB has a full-time, year-round office manager.”

Kramer said part of GSB’s job is to allocate student fee money.

“GSB is also one of the few organizations that truly reaches and represents all students on the ISU campus,” she said.

The student fees are mandatory fees paid by every ISU student each semester. Among these are a standard computer fee, a health fee and an activity and service fee. The activity and service fee, which totaled $171 per student for fall semester, is where GSB gets its money to allocate to student groups.

Henry Alliger, speaker of the senate, said a lot of the money allocated to GSB ends up going back to the students in one form or another.

“It’s worth noting that most of the money gets passed along to student organizations,” he said. “Also, we have a full-time staff member as well as three student positions who receive a compensation package which goes to tuition and room and board.”

According to the ISU Mandatory Fees and Designated Tuition Worksheet, the activity and service fee is broken down into three categories: student services, which funds programs like CyRide and Recreation Services; building fees, which covers the Memorial Union and Hilton Coliseum; and student activities, which is the fee that goes to GSB for the funding of student organizations.

“From what the university charges for student fees, $28.50 goes to GSB total, and that comes out to about $1.5 million to allocate to student groups,” Kramer said.

The amount fluctuates from year to year, however.

“It depends on the student enrollment and what the Special Student Fees committee decides that the fees will be; it’s not always a guaranteed $1.5 million,” Kramer said.

Kramer said the GSB Finance Committee then makes recommendations to the senate as to how this $1.5 million should be allocated to the GSB-funded student organizations on campus.

Kramer said GSB’s funding is drawn from the same place as any other student organization.

“GSB goes through the process just like … the Badminton Club does,” he said. “We have our own budget that is created so that we can buy office supplies and so that our members can go on trips.”