Quality meat at West Street Deli

Kim Bui and Kate Fiegens

A sandwich is not just a sandwich. With all the sandwich vendors around Ames, any wise student with a couple bucks to spare is not just looking for something a hair above Wonderbread and Oscar Meyer. The Daily’s DPD Duo hadn’t eaten all day, and had a craving for some deli cuisine.


KB: You never really expect a deli to be pretty, but since the last time I had been at West Street Deli, it looked like they had redone the second room with a warm gold tone and bright paintings. It was nice and cozy.

KF: If there was a way a restaurant could look like a dorm room, West Street Deli was as close as the kid down the hall. The wooden beams on the ceiling, the green carpet and random things on the wall made me feel more at home than I should be in public.


KB: I got my sandwich quickly, and the woman at the counter was pleasant, but not overly-friendly. I was really more interested in eating than chatting, and I think she knew that.

KF: I always look like a huge fool when I first order at an establishment I have never been to. Even though I couldn’t smoothly deliver my order to the girl behind the counter, she smiled and took it anyway. Kim’s and my soup was given to us right away, and our sandwiches were delivered to us in a timely manner.


KB: Once I made the mistake of getting the full sandwich combo, and boy did I pay. Now I only get the half-sandwich, and it’s always more than enough. It may not have looked as nice as Panera’s sandwiches, but it had the quantity.

KF: I had a lot of food. It was worth not eating all day. And all for under $8. That’s what they call a “heckuva deal” in Minnesota. You betcha.


KB: There’s something about well-made meat that really appeals to me. You can fudge all the vegetables and fake cheese, but when it comes to simple bread and meat, a small thing can ruin a good sandwich. The roast beef in my French dip was thick and full of flavor, as was the au jus sauce, which I expected to be mediocre.

KF: I didn’t know my sandwich was going to be toasted. No matter, it was a welcome surprise.

The toasting was just enough to make the bread slightly crunchy, but my lettuce and pickles weren’t wilted or mushy — not to mention the added flavor a little time on the grill can do.

My chili was as good as my mom’s, which is a high standard to live up to. To top it off, my cheesecake was rich and sweet.

West Street Deli

2810 West. St.

(515) 268-460

11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday

11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday

Kate’s Meal:

Smoked turkey with provolone cheese, pesto bread, chili, New York style cheesecake, lemonade


Kim’s Meal:

French Dip Specialty Sandwich, tomato bisque soup, lemonade


Kim’s rating: 4 out of 5 forks

Kate’s rating: 4 out of 5 forks