LETTER: Hardy distorts Christian beliefs

Karla Hardy greatly misrepresents the Christian faith in her latest column. First of all, I don’t know which churches Karla visited to hear these messages from the pulpit supposedly condemning voting for the “unrighteous,” but certainly no pastor of mine has ever talked politics behind the pulpit. The ministers who I have enjoyed listening to since I was little were good men who understood that the church pulpit was no place to talk about earthly matters. Karla claims that far too many pastors are preaching on the evils of gay marriage rather than divorce, which is equally wrong (in most cases), according to Scripture.

But government ripped the matter of divorce out of the hands of the church long ago, which has led to the destruction of countless families, wreaking irreversible psychological damage to literally millions of children. Now the government wants to take control of yet another church matter. It’s funny how no one makes the connection that this, too, could lead to a bad trend in society, much as divorce has.

Now as far as a woman’s right to choose, Karla, the Bible says nothing explicitly about abortion. However, in Jeremiah 1:5, God tells Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

According to this, God recognizes life as beginning before conception, which means abortion, is, by definition, murder, which is also strictly condemned in the Bible, in case you didn’t know.

If you’re going to talk about religion in politics, before you go representing the Christian faith, please be kind enough to actually understand Christian doctrine instead of believing it to be what you want it to be.

Jonathan Bracewell


Political Science