COLUMN: Liberals will lose their voice with a GOP sweep

Matthew Skuya Columnist

Down with the people who are already down! I can’t believe that Democrats are being such whiners and complainers. There is absolutely nothing to be upset or concerned about. Besides, we all know that the problems we face are the Democrats’ fault, so they shouldn’t complain and get upset with the Republicans for fixing them. It goes as far as being unpatriotic and aides the terrorists. Really, a list of complaints is not a plan, so, Democrats, just stop sending mixed signals and give up this election.

At least this would be the interpretation any reasonable individual would conclude if all he listened to were Republicans. Here’s the rundown of ways in which Democrats get blamed for the problems that our nation faces.

First, when the deficit becomes a topic of discussion, the natural response is, of course, to blame the Clinton recession, Sept. 11 and pork barrel spending by the Democrats.

Second, rising health care costs? What do you think trial lawyers do? Their sole purpose on this earth is to drive up everybody’s health care costs by hundreds of dollars. Guess who supports the trial lawyers? Yes, it’s those nasty Democrats.

Third, when it comes to Iraq, Kerry voted for the war and then didn’t support the troops with an $87 billion supplemental, causing our troops to not have the body armor and armored vehicles they need to be as safe as possible in a liberation zone. His criticisms of the war are only sending mixed signals that destroy the morale of our troops. Yup, so the problems we face in Iraq are also the Democrats’ fault, a criticism also levied by Naderites.

Fourth, the Coalition of the Willing will never expand so long as Kerry keeps forgetting to mention Poland’s contributions, as well as calling it the Coalition of the Coerced and Bribed. No wonder the international community hates America so much, with Democrats around criticizing their efforts. Who wouldn’t hate America?

Now for the wake-up call. I’m sorry Republicans, but you have to own up to the fact that you’ve controlled the House, the Senate, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Department of Justice and the White House for the past four years, save for a short sprint there when the Democrats controlled the Senate 50-49.

I will blame the party in power for the recession, job loss, deficits, international animosity, failures of planning in Iraq, rising tuition and health care costs and the polarization of this country.

My history might be really ignorant, but I think this is the first time any administration running for re-election has been able to successfully blame all the problems and mistakes that occurred on its watch on the opposition party that controlled nothing.

In fact, it’s something that scares me to no end, because our Founding Fathers put in a system of checks and balances to ensure that no group or individual would accumulate too much power as to threaten the interests of our country or the rights of its citizens.

Today, their fears are being realized. Should the GOP retain control of the House, the Senate and the White House, they will be able to reshape the Supreme Court to a much more conservative orientation.

There you have it — the executive, legislative, and judicial branches all controlled by a party that really gets less than 25 percent of the American population’s vote. As a liberal and a Democrat, I’m concerned. So I will encourage Democrats to whine and complain from now until Election Day. It may not be a plan, but it sure annoys Republicans. That’s OK, because it’s not only our right, it’s our responsibility to do so.

If we don’t fix the delicate political balance, our society’s foundation will crumble in the wake of a Category 5 hurricane, sweeping America’s proud liberal tradition out to sea and beneath the ocean depths.

Should the Republicans sweep the elections, it will take decades for liberals to recover a say in the direction that America travels.