Local rival bands duke it out at Trashtalk 2K4

Kia Heise

The rivalry between the three Ames bands — The Envy Corps, Parallex and Lesser Known Saint — is nothing new. They’ve built up quite an opposition for one another.

This rivalry — years in the making — has bred a new-fangled way of disputing one’s differences. So the bands decided to settle their discrepancies by sharing the same stage, and, consequently, their brainchild, Trashtalk 2K4, was born.

“Trashtalk is about the mutual contempt we all share. We just finally gave it a name and made it official,” says The Envy Corps guitarist Luke Pettipoole. “Ames is a funny town because every band seems to have a grudge with some other bands in town. To me, this is a sarcastic commentary on the whole thing.”

Although The Envy Corps, who have been together since 2001, may not take this show very seriously, its career and future goals are not taken lightly.

“This band is definitely serious,” Pettipoole says. “We are very committed to becoming well known and being able to support ourselves with our music.”

Lead vocalist Rusty Anderson of the second feuding band, Parallex, describes the band’s sound as “rock with an edge.” Parallex is hoping to use this opportunity to “bring our rock to the local community as well as give each other shit all night,” Anderson says.

Josh Lizer, guitarist and keyboardist for Parallex, jokes about his favorite part of being a musician and about his challengers.

“I love performing and writing,” Lizer says. “The ‘Rolling Stone’ interviews are always fun. One time, I turned down a centerfold offer for ‘Playgirl.’ And being in this band really makes you feel good about yourself if you’ve seen bands like ‘Lesser Known Saint’ or ‘The Envy Bore.'”

But, it’s not all fun and games for Parallex.

“It is much more important than that to us. This is literally what we all live for,” Lizer says.

The third band involved in the clash is Lesser Known Saint. Lead vocalist Jim Schloemer says he is eager for the confrontation of Trashtalk 2K4.

“My band is better than their bands, and it will be a really fun time blowing them out of the water. I expect The Envy Corps and Parallex to suck, as usual,” Schloemer says. “I expect us to be godlike — as usual.”

Lesser Known Saint guitarist Mike Britson says he believes this show might be about more than the music.

“Trashtalk 2K4 is just a collection of the biggest fucking egos in town,” he says.

Lesser Known Saint drummer Sam Wong, however, jokes that there is an objective — to add to their growing audience.

“Trashtalk 2K4 is about exposing ourselves to a young audience, who may falsely believe that the other band they came to see is all the Ames music scene has to offer,” he says. “Once they are with us, they won’t go back. And if they try, we will kill them.”

Axel Aguado, guitarist for Lesser Known Saint, who commanded to be referred to as “The Almighty,” projected attendance at the upcoming show.

“I expect no less than 75,000 people to want to see the show; this will result in a grand battle royal that will leave 50-100 lucky people alive and able to see the show and about 74,900 others to lie bleeding in the moonlight.”

Aguado says he hopes to prove his band reigns supreme in the Ames music scene.

“Competition? There is none, as far as I’m concerned,” he says. “We are the best, hands down.”

Who: Trashtalk 2K4 with The Envy Corps, Lesser Known Saint, Parallex

Where: Bali Satay House, 2424 Lincoln Way

When: 9:30 p.m. Saturday

Cost: $3, $5