Disabilities Awareness Week hopes to educate university

Jenifer Schumacher

Increasing understanding and informing people about services available are the principle goals for this year’s Disabilities Awareness Week.

“The main goal of DAW is to provide education to the entire university community about some of the rich diversity that individuals with disabilities bring to campus and how we all need to work together to provide a welcoming environment,” said Bea Awoniyi, program director of disabilities resources.

This year, she said, members of the University Committee on Disabilities has decided to address the issue of mental illness.

“The issue of mental illness is less understood, and many people with it are ashamed to be identified,” Awoniyi said.

“So, we hope that not only faculty, staff and those who want the understanding will come, but also those who suffer with these conditions.

“We hope they will want to come out and understand more about the services available to them and how they can address some of the issues they face.”

Disability Awareness Week is sponsored by the University Committee on Disabilities, the Committee on Lectures, the President’s Advisory Committee for Diversity, the Disability Resources Office, the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Office, the Provost’s Office and the Alliance for Disability Awareness.

The leadership for the week is provided by the University Committee on Disabilities, a committee with representation from the entire university committee, reports to the provost’s office and charged with addressing issues of disability across the campus.

“Each and every one of us can contribute to diversity by opening our minds to possibilities and opening the doors to opportunities for those who have two critical qualities: desire and diligence,” ISU President Gregory Geoffroy said in September.

Last spring, Geoffroy participated in the “Step into My World” program, spending part of a day blindfolded, using a cane and the directions of others to navigate campus.

Awoniyi said she is working to make Disability Awareness Week a yearly event.

This year, there will be a number of activities scheduled to get students and community members involved.

“Attitude and understanding are the main issues that individuals with disabilities face,” Awoniyi said.

“We have the ability to address access challenges when the entire community tries to understand and when they ask questions when they don’t.”

She said the week’s activities will also try to address ignorance.

“Many people see people with disabilities, and they think they can judge what they can or cannot do,” Awoniyi said.

All the events of Disability Awareness Week are free and open to the public.

Awoniyi said she encourages all people to attend events, especially faculty.

“Their understanding will ensure more access for students,” Awoniyi said.

Activities for Disabilities Awareness Week

Monday: 9 a.m. — Dr. Frederick Frese and ISU constituents in the Regency Room, Memorial Union

11 a.m. — Dr. Frederick Frese makes a guest appearance in Psych 460; E-164 Lagomarcino

8 p.m. — Guest lecture by Dr. Frederick Frese “Mental Illness on College Campus” in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union

Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. — Disability resources open house in 1076 Student Services Building

Wednesday: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. — Jennie Salvato, Iowa Protection and Advocacy on Invisible Disabilities in the Regency Room of the Memorial Union

Thursday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. — Disability resources open house in 1076 Student Services Building

Friday: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. — Popcorn and movies in room 230 of the Memorial Union