LETTER: Have we forgotten media’s liberal bias?

In response to the letter “Don’t let the media decide your vote,” this person seems to believe that the vast majority of the media are biased toward President Bush. This is a common belief kept by many people on the left.

I recently visited the political action committee site MoveOn.org and noticed a banner reading, “Communists had Pravda, Republicans have Fox.” Hmm, interesting. Some try, but they fail.

The media are, in fact, biased. They are biased toward the left, and, if the media are going to decide anyone’s vote, it will be for Sen. John Kerry. Another thing I noticed about this letter that seemed to be off-key was how she pointed out that the liberal guests Bill O’Reilly chooses “are either poor speakers or bad debaters.”

Wrong again, I am afraid. Bill O’Reilly has had many smart liberals on his program, such as, oh, John Kerry, who showed us on Thursday that he was indeed a good debater and also very intelligent.

So, before you decide to rip into a show that you know nothing about, one should maybe watch the show and see the fair and balanced nature of the program, instead of dismissing it based on some judgement made for you by the likes of biased organizations like MoveOn.org.

Andy Gionnette


Mechanical Engineering