LETTER: Crows deserve more respect

I was disgusted to hear about the Government of the Student Body’s plan to hunt crows. It sounded like another stupid human trick. Sure, crows are noisy and messy, but so are many members of the human race, especially young male students. Should we then organize a stupid student hunt? I don’t think so.

The crow is a noble and intelligent animal. Did you know that the crow mates for life and that offspring stay around for a year to help their parents raise the next year’s offspring?

In short, crows have true Iowa family values.

Also, crows clean up roadkill and other dead animals. That is, they clean up other peoples’ messes. Contrast this with young males, who have a hard time cleaning up their own messes.

To kill something which is not a direct threat or intended to be eaten is not sport.

To “kill for kicks” is a mark of irresponsible behavior and not good citizenship.

By the way, I was a young male once. I definitely know what stupidity is.

Derrick Grimmer
