LETTER: ISU Republicans are scared of Moore

I find it odd that all of the conservatives at ISU are so worried about bringing Michael Moore to Iowa State. In fact, Louis Kishkunas, president of the ISU College Republicans, and also partly in charge of the lecture series, told a group of political science majors that they are trying to bring in at least four speakers or groups to specifically combat what Michael Moore will say.

They are bringing in Ann Coulter, the Republican version of Moore, who might be even further to the political outskirts than he is. Every single book she has produced has said something negative of liberals.

I think that the Republicans are scared. They are scared of the truths that Moore will bring to this campus.

I might not agree with some of his tactics, but Moore does bring out the truth about this administration.

All the Republicans out there should stop being scared and have good ‘ol Georgie boy tell us all the truth.

Tell us the truth about Iraq, the economy, why he let Osama bin Laden escape when there was a chance to catch him and everything else that we deserve to know.

Justen Jones


Political Science