LETTER: Kerry is the last, best chance to save U.S.

I really liked Skuya’s article, but there is still one thing left to consider — and this is a consideration taken by those who don’t think for themselves: “We knock a dictator out!”

Yes, Saddam is a dictator and a human rights problem. But that premise was not the main one for war; it was added, later, as an “in case of not finding anything” premise.

Actual times are not for knocking individuals out of the long list of world dictators. North America should not diverge from its true course fighting terrorism. Iraq was a problem but not under the issue of terrorism and national security; now it has become one.

Terrorism is a global threat, a disperse entity, thus a matter to all. Yet President Bush has severely failed to make a good case about this to the world. He will not be able to make a good case now.

Omar Gonzalez Rivera


Chemical Engineering