Diner is almost too ‘diner-like’ for DPD critics

Kim Bui and Kate Fiegens

Everybody loves diners. They’ve got burgers, milkshakes, fries and all the goodness that seems to represent middle America. Over the summer the guy with the extra thumb and the greasy-but-good doughnuts left Ames and was replaced by a diner with painted windows, advertising a blue plate special. The Daily’s critics went to see if the loss of late-night fried goodness was for the best.


KB: The place was quiet. I felt like I was eating in a funeral home, but even funeral homes have an organ. They tried their best to make a greasy doughnut shop into a diner, but buy a CD or two and bring headphones so you have something other than crickets to listen to.

KF: The ’50s posters and painted windows couldn’t fool me. If it mostly looks like a Donutland, and still smells like a Donutland — there should be greasy doughnuts available for purchase. I half-expected the six-fingered man to jump out from under the counter.


KB: There was a total of three workers: a woman, the owner/chef and the waitress. I liked the owner. He seemed like a nice guy. He even told me that he could make my burger extra spicy next time.

KF: Our waitress was very nice. The only tip I would offer up is a general tip for all waitresses. Why is it that every waitress has to come and ask you how your food is when your mouth is full? Ours managed to do it twice and the only thing I could utter was, “Mfffgggdd, ffaannkk yuuu.” Better to wait and pounce when I can say something without spraying food everywhere.


KB: The burger was a little small, but we got free refills and they piled on the chips. I got my $7 worth of grease and then some.

KF: OK, maybe I have never had an “Iowan tenderloin,” but this thing was humongous. The bun barely covered it. By the time the check came, I hadn’t even made it to the bread yet. By the time I finally finished everything, I felt like I needed to stand up, declare my victory and receive my T-shirt prize.


KB: I have a thing for M-Chips at the M-Shop and these were pretty good competition. Crunchy, tasty, good ranch (on request) to go with them. The burger was all right. I wanted a thick sauce, full of spicy kick, but instead I got a thin Tabasco-like sauce.

KF: The onion rings were a little over-done, the diet-vanilla-coke was stronger than the cocktails at a house party. I think it needed a the tenderloin pickle. At any rate, the food wasn’t the worst I had ever had, but it wasn’t exactly the best. You go there to get really full, not to enchant your taste buds.