Corrections for September

Due to editing errors, the Aug. 31 article “Local police arrest six in connection with meth labs” contained several errors. The headline of the article incorrectly stated six people were arrested. Five people were arrested in connection with police investigations into methamphetamine during the weekend. Also, the article incorrectly implied that Matthew Heubrock of Aurelia was charged with possession of methamphetamine. He was charged with possession of marijuana and had no connection to the methamphetamine investigations. The Daily regrets the errors.

Due to a reporting error, the Sept. 8 article ‘Controversy over, hockey prepares for on-ice trials’ mistakenly referred to Mike Paulsen as Matt Paulson. Also, a photo caption mistakenly identified Phil Hummel as Nike Tuma. The Daily regrets these errors.

Due to a reporting error, the Sept. 22 article “Tae Kwon Do Club is given guidance beyond the usual kicks and punches” mistakenly referred to the ISU Karate Club as the ISU Tae Kwon Do Club throughout the article. The Daily regrets the error.