Senior co-captains ready to play golf

Nathan Wilcke

With two fifth-year senior captains and an influx of freshmen, ISU women’s golf coach Julie Manning is excited for the upcoming year.

The team kicks off its season Saturday at the Notre Dame Invitational in South Bend, Ind. It will be facing a 17-team field, including Iowa, Northern Iowa, Illinois, Notre Dame, Rutgers, Xavier and Toledo.

“I know I’m feeling the excitement that these three freshmen bring,” Manning said.

“I’m also expecting great things with these two seniors.”

Those seniors are co-captains Louise Kenney and Lisa Meshke. Both are coming off good summers and are getting even better from a little friendly competition from freshman Kendra Hanson.

“It’s good to see a freshman come in and play so well,” Meshke said.

Traveling to South Bend with Meshke, Kenney and Hanson will be sophomore Christi Athas and junior Erica Dahl.

Kenney, who is from Scotland, set some ISU records her sophomore season. After a disappointing junior campaign, she looks to turn the corner and get even better this year, Manning said.

The other captain, Meshke, said she is also prepared for a good season.

“I’m playing pretty good right now, and I’m coming off a good summer,” Meshke said.

“(Kenney) is also playing well, so as a team we should be able to contend for a lot of victories.”

One aspect that sets this team apart from last year’s 11th place Big 12 finish is the depth, Manning said. The Cyclones have seven golfers who could come in on any given day and shoot low.

“In the last several years, the same four or five were going all the time,” Manning said.

“Now we have the luxury that if someone is feeling off for academic or personal reasons, we have someone to step right in.”

Despite not traveling with the team this weekend, Stephanie Nelson and Karly Pinder are also right in the mix for playing time, Manning said.

Team unity is something Manning felt was lacking from last year as well.

“The team chemistry is outstanding [this year],” Manning said.

“In the past we’ve had outstanding people, but didn’t really gel as a team. Things are different this year.”

As for the season, a lot of optimism is surrounding the team.

“I like our schedule, it gets us going but doesn’t put us in the heat too soon,” Manning said.

“I feel like we have all the ingredients and the facilities to have an outstanding year.”