COLUMN: Bush pushes ‘right’ to AK-47s, ignores other rights

Sulianet Ortiz Columnist

The National Rifle Association is now celebrating the expiration of the semi-automatic weapons ban. The ban was put forth during the Clinton administration in 1994 after a series of shootings in the United States. It prohibited 19 types of semi-automatic weapons as well as weapons that held more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

Members of the NRA claim that this was a deceitful and unconstitutional law against the rights given to the citizens of this country through the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment states that “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The right to bear arms should not be violated in order to secure the state. However, according to, weapons are owned for sporting purposes or for self-defense. Where is the state’s security in that? Why would you go hunting with an AK-47 or an Uzi, weapons that have a rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute? Why would U.S. citizens need weapons that hold more than 10 rounds for self-defense?

The NRA executive director, Chris Cox, attributes the expiration of the ban to grassroots political activism. He said, “NRA members and gun owners showed that it is possible to turn grassroots political activism into legislative reality.” Although Bush says that he supports the ban, there was not any pressure on Congress from his part in order not to let it expire. The political activism from the part of the NRA really worked, or could it be that our dear president thought it extremely important to maintain the NRA’s support? Their donations as well as the votes of NRA members have Bush a step closer to serving our country for four more years.

Although Bush does not believe that the ban’s extension is important, he continues to wage war on drugs, same-sex marriage and those who are pro-choice. Individuals now have broader choices when it comes to acquiring weapons, but a raped woman might not have the choice to not birth a child that could interfere with her dreams. Individuals now can show their responsible love for semi-automatic weapons, but two individuals who love each other cannot legally express it by getting married if they are of the same sex. A weapon in the hands of an irresponsible user can cost the lives of many, while drugs at the hands of abusive users could cost them their own lives.

The NRA celebrates that Bush permitted the expiration of this “unconstitutional” ban. However, to our misfortune, the Patriot Act is still in place violating the rights that should be protected by the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments. And, although the Patriot Act violates our rights against unreasonable searches that could be caused by our practice of free speech and even peaceful assembly, Bush will support the entry and sales of semi-automatic weapons.

If the ban expired and Bush did not push to extend it, it is most likely that he will not propose it again. According to, John Kerry has accused Bush of choosing “powerful and well-connected friends” over police officers and families he had promised to protect. He also blames Bush of choosing to “make the job of terrorists easier and make the job of America’s police officers harder” by letting it expire.

Maybe you should think about it. Should Bush continue molding this country after his special interests? Does he seriously deserve the presidential seat for another quadrennium? You have 48 days to decide.