LETTER: Same-sex marriage isn’t a right

In response to Nicolai Brown’s Sept. 20 column “Why a marriage amendment would backfire,” I would have to agree that I would be ashamed if my party was responsible for prohibiting women or blacks to vote, but I would have to strongly disagree to carry this thought to “gay marriage.”

As much as I would be ashamed for prohibiting women or blacks to vote, I would be even more ashamed to be part of the party that legalized gay marriage.

My reasoning is very simple: It is not biblically wrong to be a woman or to be black; therefore, it is wrong to prohibit rights based on those reasons. However, it is biblically wrong to a be homosexual; therefore, if a political party were to step back and do nothing, that party would be condoning homosexuality.

I would be ashamed to be part of that party. This has nothing to do with society’s view on what is right or wrong.

Society does not dictate absolute truth.

Jason Funk


Computer Engineering