LETTER: Embryos are more than clusters of cells

I’m curious to see if anyone caught the irony between two completely different letters in Wednesday’s Daily.

First, we have Justen Jones, preaching the word of Kerry, advocating stem-cell research and giving us the cold, hard logic of science. And in the other corner, we have Christopher Baughman, giving us a healthy introspective look regarding science’s lack of humanistic morality.

Two letters addressing totally different subjects. Yet, they almost seem to show two sides of a totally different debate. Ironic, no?

To Mr. Baughman, I give applause. To quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.” The scientific view of stem-cell research is that the implanted embryo is “just a cluster of cells.” Tell me, Mr. Jones, what are you as a human being? You are one huge cluster of cells.

Yet, we don’t see living, grown humans being “harvested” for spare parts against their will or without their express, legal consent, do we? Why not make camps of humans, existing solely to be our biological spare tires? After all, they’re “just a cluster of cells.”

I do not claim to be an expert on biology, evolution, religion, sociology or psychology, but I am at least able to step back from the heartless analytical perspective of science.

Yes, using your brain is important. But sometimes you have to use some heart.

Shawn Gealow


Aerospace Engineering