LETTER: U.S. ‘patriots’ make France tempting

I have the utmost respect for what Mr. Gott and our soldiers around the world do for the United States, but, regardless of that, the Sept. 20 letter “Respect the military or move to France,” was ridiculous.

I don’t support the war. Not when it began, not now and not in the future. It was a mistake to go it alone, without our European allies, regardless of whether we needed their help or not (and we do), and it was a mistake that our genius President George W. Bush has all but admitted.

Nor am I alone in my view; far from it, in fact. However, that does not mean that I am not thankful for the sacrifices the thousands of Americans serving around the world have made for those here at home.

I may be just a “classroom liberal” as Mr. Gott said, but those like me hold to strong ideals and a strong belief that we cannot blindly follow our leaders, taking all they tell us at face value.

So if liberals are, as Mr. Gott says, making America “change our way of thinking,” more power to us.

The United States needs a change from the narrow-minded views of the past four years and start fervently seeking the truth from an administration that has made it dangerously difficult to do so at the cost of American lives.

More than 1,000 young, bright futures snuffed out in the desert is 1,000 too many. My views may be deemed by some to be “un-American.”

So be it. If I live another four years under Bush, Cheney and Mr. Gott, I might take his advice and move to France. I hear Paris is beautiful this time of year.

Jon Avise


Journalism and Mass Communication