LETTER: Many Christians live in the Dark Ages

To the Christian right, I ask, “Have you sacrificed a small animal today? Are you wearing two types of cloth? Is homosexuality wrong?”

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I think you might want to read on.

Contrary to what some of the more militant Christians will tell you, anti-homosexual behavior should be scorned by anyone who believes in the New Testament and the idea that it represents a brand-new beginning in the worship of their God. That’s right — scorned.

Christian fundamentalists say that they include the clause against homosexuals because “you cannot ignore parts of the Bible because it does not appeal to you.”

Yet they forget that, along with bans on homosexuality, the Old Testament has other laws they have found convenient to ignore.

It includes wearing two types of cloth, tattoos and piercings are all against the laws of God.

It also mentions how one should make ceremonial sacrifices to God. Interesting, considering how numerous Christians have ignored those rules entirely.

I say interesting because if the Old Testament is included in the Holy Scriptures, then it must surely be considered holy law.

So, Christian fundamentalists, break out the wool clothing and sacrificial altars and party like it’s the Dark Ages.

Michael Gabriel


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