Strategic plan forum allows for feedback

Dan Slatterly

Students and ISU employees interested in giving input on the first draft of the university’s strategic plan will have their chance Friday morning.

From 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., a public forum will be held in the Memorial Union Gallery to discuss the first draft of the 2005-2010 strategic plan.

The forum is open to faculty, staff, students, graduates and anyone else involved with the university said John Schuh, distinguished professor of educational leadership and policy studies and forum facilitator.

As facilitator, Schuh said he will help give the forum structure.

“I hope to get the views and opinions of the participants,” Schuh said.

The strategic plan for 2005-2010 serves as a road map for the institution, said Provost Ben Allen. The plan has a mission statement, aspiration for the future, core values and four priorities with goals.

Allen said the aspiration of the strategic plan is to make Iowa State a leading university in the world in student education and the practical uses of science and technology.

The priorities of the plan include: better undergraduate experience; an increase in undergraduate and graduate research programs; translating new discoveries into usable technologies, products and services; and to better the quality of life at Iowa State and throughout Iowa.

All the priorities are meant to strengthen not only the students at Iowa State but the also the state of Iowa itself, Allen said.

But, he said, the plan is not finished.

“This plan is a work in progress,” Allen said.

Allen said people should speak up if they have comments or suggestions.

“[The forum] is another way to ensure that everyone’s comments are heard,” he said.

Sanjeev Agarwal, faculty senate president and member of the Strategic Plan Committee, said this is just the first draft.

“We will receive feedback on what people like, and what they don’t like,” Agarwal said.

The feedback will be considered by the committee and put to use in a second draft of the plan, Agarwal said. Comments and suggestions will be reviewed until Sept. 17 and the second draft will be available Oct. 1.

After the second draft comes out, the plan will be reworked again. A final draft will be released by the end of the year, Agarwal said.

“It helps to have these forums because you are able to test the ideas, language, and presentation of the plan,” he said.