LETTER: U.S. gives terrorists reasons to hate us

Between contradicting his first sentence with his last, David Sheet’s Sept. 7 letter did touch on one key issue: Hatred fuels terrorism.

Now, keeping said message in mind brings about this simple question: Which is easier, stopping hate or terror?

Does our military occupation of the Middle East do anything less than propagate anti-American sentiment?

Did “shock and awe” win the favor of the Iraqi public?

Are we right to invade a sovereign nation and impose our policies? What happened to finding Osama bin Laden?

Have we done anything in regard to stifling terrorism other than pissing off the majority of the world and lighting a few fires?

Go ahead and disagree with me, but ask yourself if you feel safe.

For being so gung-ho about wiping out terrorism, we sure dropped the ball in Chechnya.

The war on terror cannot be won with the bullets and blood of the American soldier.

It can’t be won by dropping political fliers or cowboy talk. In all honesty, it can probably never be won.

But even if an administration that can’t find its own ass with two hands and a flashlight manages to find bin Laden before November (which shouldn’t surprise anyone), would the world be any safer?

Of course we should defend our borders, and we should also be doing whatever is in our power to quell terrorism, but we shouldn’t add fuel to the fire.

Go ask John Q. Terrorist if we’ve made it easier for him and his cohorts to hate us.

Were I a betting man, I would think the answer would be yes.

RJ Green

