Wanna get laid on Election Day? Vote.

Ina Kadic

The founders of Votergasm.org want no orgasms for nonvoters in November.

The new campaign, which proposes that voters have sex with other voters and withhold sex from nonvoters, is trying to reach college campuses.

Organizers said the youth campaign’s goal is to increase youth voting and sexual activity, to send 100,000 first-time voters to the polls for the 2004 election and to set off at least 250,000 orgasms by the morning of Nov. 3.

Michelle Collins, Votergasm.org director and spokeswoman, said everyone working on the campaign is under 24 years old and a recent college graduate.

As the campaign attracts hype, some ISU students are unsure of the way in which young voters are being encouraged to vote.

“There are better ways in getting people to vote,” said Gabe Whitaker, president of the ISU Democrats. “I think it’s very controversial — the thought of having sex with someone just because they voted. I would hope the politicians would discourage this.”

Louis Kishkunas, president of the ISU College Republicans, had no comment.

Some people, on the other hand, think the campaign could be successful.

“I think the idea rocks,” said Steffen Schmidt, university professor of political science. “If a new group of people can be motivated for a good cause by any means, it’s worth a try.”

Schmidt said the idea is clever and interesting and supports a good cause. “Politics and sex can be related as a social act,” he said.

Votergasm organizers have planned an aggressive advertising campaign for swing states in college newspapers including Ohio, Florida, Colorado and Iowa.

The Web site allows visitors to register to vote and locate election-night Votergasm parties. Since the Web site’s launch two weeks ago, more than 1,000 people have pledged to only have sex with a voter on election night and withhold sex from nonvoters until the next presidential election.

“I don’t think the average student would stop being themselves just because they find out that the person they want to sleep with didn’t vote,” said Crystal Fox, junior in dietetics.

The idea for the campaign started when Collins observed the last presidential election. She said she noticed that not enough young people voted and not enough young people had sex that night.

Collins said the campaign has received positive feedback from students at the University of Pennsylvania. She said she is not concerned about the controversy this campaign might bring.

“Sex in Washington and in politics is always looked at in a negative light. Votergasm.org wants to change that,” Collins said. “Why not get people to vote and have a good time in the bedroom at the same time?”