LETTER: Religious skeptic skews biblical facts

This is in response to the Sept. 27 letter, “Many Christians live in the Dark Ages.”

Your opinion is ignorant and your “facts” about the Old Testament are not true. Tattoos and piercings were considered a sin in the Old Testament because people were tattooing other gods onto themselves, which directly broke the commandment that states: There shall be no god other than Jesus Christ. Personally, I have not seen any golden calf tattoos lately.

As for sacrificing, if you had any real knowledge of the Bible, you would know that by Jesus dying on the cross he became the ultimate sacrifice. This means we no longer have to sacrifice animals.

You are wrong when you say that we choose to ignore these rules. These rules have changed due to several things, and, if you would have read the Bible, you would know that. However, like it or not, homosexuality is still wrong.

It’s wrong not only in the Bible, but also culturally wrong. Look at the number of people opposing it, not only in America but in other countries as well. Whether you like Bush or Kerry, they both oppose homosexual marriage.

Sure, Kerry is more liberal and wants to allow civil unions, but he will not let them have the title of marriage.

Paul M. Brees

