Kenney shoots school record

Nathan Wilcke

Louise Kenney shot a school record even-par 216 to win the title and pace the ISU women’s golf team to a season-opening win at the Notre Dame Invitational in South Bend, Ind., during the weekend.

“I wouldn’t say that I expected (that score), but it a good start for my senior year and a good start for the team,” Kenney said.

Iowa State put in a two-day, 54-hole total of 902 to beat Washington State by five strokes. Host Notre Dame came in third with 914.

The Fighting Irish have won the 17-team tournament the previous four years, this being only the fifth year at the current facility. Iowa State was in the lead from the get-go, tying with Notre Dame after the first round 304 but pulling away with a tournament-low 294 in the afternoon. Another round of 304 put the rest of the field away.

Sophomore Christi Athas turned in an excellent score to complement Kenney, carding a 9-over-par 225 to place fifth. Co-captain Lisa Meshke finished eighth with 228, Kendra Hanson 20th with 233 and Erica Dahl rounded out the team with a 248, placing 64th.

“Christi had a sensational round of 70 in the late afternoon on Saturday, which is wonderful because you are already tired from the morning round,” coach Julie Manning said. “It put us in a great position to win.

“Also playing well was Hanson. It is hard to say how someone will perform in her first tournament, but she didn’t let nerves bother her.”

The seniors on the squad share the duty of trying to keep nerves down by encouraging the younger players and giving advice.

“We did exactly what we needed to do,” Manning said.

“We have really great energy on the team, and (Meshke and Kenney) are doing a great job as co-captains keeping the girls together.”

The Cyclones travel next to Denver for the Ron Moore Intercollegiate Tournament on Sept. 20.