4-H teens visit ISU for youth conference

Christa Rogers

More than 1,000 teenagers from across the state have converged on Iowa State this week for the annual Iowa 4-H Youth Conference.

This year’s conference, “The Starting Line for Success,” is being attended by Iowa teens who aren’t necessarily in 4-H but who have completed grades 8-12 by this spring.

“We hope to motivate young people to think about the future and the opportunities available to them,” said Brenda Allen, 4-H Youth Development Extension program specialist.

Allen said one conference goal is to expose the students to their peers from all over Iowa and to the ISU campus.

The students pick one of four categories to focus on during the conference: The Leadership Track, Touch the Land, Roundup, and CSI: Crops.

“The participants who enroll in CSI: Crops will conduct a plant crime scene investigation to solve insect disease, weed and plant growth problems,” Allen said.

Those registering for the leadership track can choose from workshops on challenge training, art and design, communication skills, glass blowing, conference choir and diversity awareness.

Participants in the Roundup group are exploring different careers, investigating agricultural issues and doing exploratory labs. They’ll also take part in a livestock quiz bowl.

Touch the Land involves everything from politics during the election year to fly fishing.

Students also participate in dances, a scavenger hunt, casino night, a picnic and a formal banquet on the ISU campus.

Dan Determan, an incoming ISU freshman from Sac County, is co-chairman for the recreation and finance committees. He plans to study hotel, restaurant and institution management.

“Our main goal is to make sure it’s an enjoyable experience and that they will want to come back,” Determan said.

The workshops available also cover topics such as putting youth back into sports, wacky science, how to start planning for college, stump the forester and pork 101.

Activities will be going on throughout campus through Thursday.