Former Olympian leads first worship service

Jess Jochims

A clarification was added to this article on July 22, 2004

The July 20 article ‘Former Olympian leads first worship service’ referred to a worship service held near Jack Trice Stadium on Sunday as ‘a Mass.’ Iowa Games Director Jim Hallihan said Wednesday the worship service was nondenominational and open to everyone.

Each Iowa Games has something new.

This year, the inaugural Iowa Games worship service was held at 9:30 a.m. Sunday in the parking lot north of Jack Trice Stadium.

The chaplain for the service was a former athlete and two-time Olympic medalist in the high jump. Hollis Conway, a 1988 Seoul silver medalist and 1992 Barcelona bronze medalist athlete, was present to lead the services.

Iowa Games Director Jim Hallihan said he thought a church service would be good for the out-of-town families.

“I didn’t like the fact that families that go to these Games didn’t have time to go to Mass,” Hallihan said. This was the first year for the Sunday service.

Hallihan said it was a Mass the athletes didn’t have to dress up for.

“Soccer players could come and not worry about wearing their jerseys,” he said.

Conway, who is from Monroe, La., said he has great memories from his first year in the Olympics.

“In 1988 it was fun since it was my first time,” Conway said. “It was a great time, and I didn’t know how big it was. But I ended up in second place.”

In Conway’s second time at the Olympics, he earned bronze medal honors.

“Going into the 1992 Olympics I was the favorite; I was picked to win,” he said. “I went in more serious. I didn’t enjoy myself as much. Both times were very good experiences.”

Conway still holds many records in the high jump.

“I still hold the American indoor record in the high jump at 7 feet, 10 1/2 inches,” Conway said.

“I also hold all of the collegiate records at Southwest Louisiana University which is now called Louisiana-Lafayette.”

How did an Olympic athlete end up at the Iowa Games worship service?

“I am here for the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) camp in Pella as a chaplain for the boys and girls all week. While I was here, I found out about the Iowa Games,” Conway said.

“I was more than happy to come over here and be a part of it and do some worship services. There are some wonderful athletes out here in the great, perfect weather.”

Conway found out about the Iowa Games from the Iowa director of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, David Turnball.

Hallihan talked to Turnball and invited him to Ames.

“I was talking to Dave, and he told me Hollis Conway was going to be in Pella,” Hallihan said. “I asked Dave if Hollis would like to come to the Iowa Games.”

Hallihan said the service led by Conway was great for the audience.

He said he was impressed with Conway.

“I heard he was in Iowa and was excited because I knew he was a great jumper,” Hallihan said. “He told the crowd they are always a success. He said that you don’t have to win medals to be a winner. It was just fantastic.”

Conway said he was impressed with the Iowa Games and the ISU campus.

“This is phenomenal with 18,000 athletes here,” Conway said. “[Iowa State] is just a beautiful campus and everyone at these Iowa Games does a great job. I am just excited about being a part of it.”