COLUMN: Rolling out the ‘kangaroo process’

Saddam’s trial is underway, and there are already many that criticize the proceedings. Some in Washington who were planning his prosecution are raising their eyebrows at how quickly it has started. Iranians are raising a fuss over not being able to press charges against Saddam in an international court. And Saddam himself, along with other would be dictators in the Stalin mode, has said that the Iraqi court is being run by the international archvillain Bush.

Of course, the case is not about demonstrating the appeals process of the new Iraqi government, proving the legitimacy of Iraq’s new government to the international community or about the personal vendetta of Dr. Evil. It is about a people standing up to a sociopath dictator. A legion of lawyers that have been given the arduous task of proving that indeed Saddam is a bad guy are concerned with the legitimacy of the case. In the (Minneapolis) Star Tribune, it was reported that one senior official in the state department has had misgivings about whether the case will be seen as a “revenge-type kangaroo process.” There apparently wasn’t a follow-up question on what the heck kangaroos had to do with this.

Washington has apparently been telling the Iraqi government to take it slow. Don’t rush to the foregone conclusion to help obscure the fact that indeed this is revenge for all the misery Saddam has put the Iraqis through.

Maybe those in Washington would feel differently if they had to worry about police coming in the middle of the night to drag someone away to an unmarked grave in the desert. No, Saddam does deserve a “kangaroo process” if anyone ever did. Meanwhile, the Iranians are complaining about not being able to file charges at an international war crimes tribunal. Yes, that’s right, the Iranians. The Iranians who preferred cyanide gas over the old Iraqi regime’s mustard gas as the chemical weapon of choice. The Iranians, who are ruled by a brutal fundamentalist government that some self-proclaimed Persians love to hate, are demanding the ability to file war crimes charges. Someone should ask them if they are filing charges against Saddam, why not their own leaders too?

And of course, the evil regime of Bush is controlling the proceedings and finally making sure the Iraqi nationalist Saddam is put to death. Why the Bush regime, which did the dirty work of overthrowing Saddam and finding him, didn’t already put him to death is left unexplained.

What all should realize is that this isn’t a prosecution of some thug on the street who has been through the system 12 times this month. The exact protocols of law are not critical. This isn’t even Nuremberg. The Iraqis have the ability to bring justice to Saddam themselves.

This is a nation standing up to and exacting revenge for having to live in terror for years. This is Saddam’s death sentence. There is no doubt that it will result in Saddam’s death, since the death penalty was quickly reinstated before the trial began, effectively countering a U.S. order.

Some demand that Saddam be tried in the Hague like Slobodan Milosevic. He must be tried in a credible court. Credible court? The court of the United Nations, which has Libya on its human rights committee? The United Nations, which passed 12 resolutions against Saddam’s regime and acted on exactly zero? The same United Nations that helped Saddam’s terror regime maintain power by feeding him supplies through the Oil-for-Food program? Yes, that United Nations. Sure, that makes complete sense.

Actually, the new Iraqi government does not want to hand Saddam over to that United Nations like Serbia did with Milosevic. Go figure. It is almost as if it doesn’t trust the United Nations. Maybe it’s because of the paranoia that comes with living under the rule of terror for more than 20 years. Or maybe it is because of how the United Nations has not really been concerned with justice in Iraq for 12 resolutions.

The rule of terror, which is chief among Saddam’s crimes, is the chief reason he is going to be rightfully put to death in a couple of months by those that had to live under it. Let that be an example to anyone who would want to dominate millions by the use of terror.