Surprise and disappointment

Jess Jochims

The ISU track and field teams suffered some disappointments at this weekend’s Midwest Regional Track and Field Championships in College Station, Texas, although five Cyclones are still in the running for nationals.

The 1,600-meter relay team — consisting of Ryan Boyington, Jerod Torrey, Elijah Braimah and Jared Graham — clocked in at 3:10.79 to finish sixth in the race.

The time was seconds short of the team’s 3:08.77 garnered at the Georgia Tech Invitational held in Atlanta two weeks ago.

Individually, Boyington placed 13th in the 400-meter hurdles with a time of 52.45, after finishing the event in 52.11 at Georgia Tech.

Boyington said both of his events were disappointing.

“In the 4×4 we ran well, but an all-around slow time compared to the competition,” Boyington said. “In the 400 hurdles, I was in great position in my heat, but I landed awkward on the ninth hurdle and lost momentum.

“If I would have ran the time I had at Georgia Tech, I would have had a good shot at nationals.”

Throws coach Dan O’Mara said he saw good performances from his male throwers. “Matt [Murdock] moved to fifth place on his last throw, but then two guys moved ahead of him,” he said. “Tony Stewart threw a personal best in the hammer, [and] his second-best performance of all time in the discus. He threw 174 meters in the discus, and he needed to throw 190 to get to finals. The discus was just a great field.”

O’Mara was also impressed with the gritty performance from senior javelin thrower Tyson Hilgenberg.

“He is still injured and threw 54 meters. He was so sore that he could barely walk,” O’Mara said. “It is sad to see him go, but he will do good with his degree.”