LETTER: Welch development is an improvement

On June 1, the Daily ran a major editorial lamenting the fact that “the appearance of Welch Avenue and its surrounding areas are now threatened by apartment buildings towering over the majority of the other older structures that originally made up Campustown.”

As if to emphasize the point, the editorial added another reference to “high-rise monstrosities.”

Perhaps a bit of reflection is in order. Consider the new high-rise that is currently going up at the corner of Hayward and Chamberlain, one block west of Welch. This impressive-looking building certainly represents a significant improvement over the dilapidated houses and gravel parking lot it replaced.That’s progress.

Moreover, if we are to judge by the fact that this new building is completely rented up for the fall, one must conclude that ISU students concur with the Jensens’ innovative attempt to revive and revamp Campustown.

Ev Cochrane
