Freshman, seniors united in confidence before meet

Jess Jochims

Experience in big meets should pay off for the ISU women’s track team at this weekend’s Midwest Regional meet.

The only goal for the six runners competing is to move on to the national meet. Sprints coach Scott Roberts said experience will help the athletes at the regional meet.

“Their experience will pay off by just knowing what to do, where to go and how long to warm up,” Roberts said. “They will also be used to the great competition too.”

Ada Anderson and Sheba Clarke are both part of the NCAA Midwest Regionals. At the NCAA Indoor Championships, Clarke captured a ninth-place finish in the 60-meter dash — good enough for All-American honors. In the outdoor season, Clarke’s event is the 100-meter dash.

Anderson will compete in the 800-meter run. She knows what drives her to have good performances on the track.

“I just have a passion for running. My focus is to use my ability; that has a lot to do with my heart and God,” Anderson said. “I just have the determination that makes [running] fun and enjoyable.”

Jenny Mockler also qualified for the 800, and Anderson said both athletes have a good shot of making nationals.

“There will be 16 girls, and the top five go to nationals,” Anderson said. “There is a good chance that Jenny and I can both make it.”

Mockler, whose goal is to make nationals, said running in the same event as Anderson helps her out.

“I like running with Ada a lot. She is a strong runner, and it’s good to have [a teammate] in the same event,” Mockler said. “The whole team is working much better. We all work well together.”

Besides Mockler, Anderson and Clarke, there are three other runners qualified for regionals — Rebecca Williams in the 100-meter hurdles, Sara Boisen in the 400-meter hurdles and Jessica Huff in the 1,500-meter run.

Huff made the Midwest Regionals last year. She said she feels much better this year than she did last year. Head coach Dick Lee said she has more gas in the tank this year compared to last year.

“Last year at this time, I was falling apart and not strong and confident,” Huff said. “This year, I just need to run my race and not play games. Things happen, and you have to take risks to do well.”

The real goal for Huff at the regional meet is to make it to the outdoor nationals.

“You always want to go to the next level,” Huff said. “You just have to keep improving yourself.”

Boisen is a freshman and is enthusiastic about competing at the regional meet.

“I am real excited to go. I feel honored as a freshman to go and compete at such a high level; not a lot of freshmen are going,” Boisen said. “All of the people going in the 400-meter hurdles are juniors and seniors. I feel pretty lucky.”

Roberts said Boisen has gained big-meet experience all season. He said her experience will help her in a pretty salty field.

“She has done a good job all year dealing with pressure. It just depends on how she handles it,” Roberts said. “She has been hungry throughout the year. She has improved at every meet all year. I would like to see her have a [personal record] this weekend.”