LETTER: Don’t disguise the truth of war

This letter is in response to the April 8 letter “Not all events are newsworthy.” The truth needs to be told. The truth doesn’t need to be disguised with cliches, emotional arguments and fancy phrases.

After five Americans were killed and hanged, several members of the media, including Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, advocated that Fallujah be shut down and electricity cut off from the city until the terrorists are handed over.

Some members of the media said the United States should have bombed the crowd of people dancing in the streets. Keep in mind that most of the people dancing in the streets were not the people who carried out the attacks. Also, cutting electricity will affect hospitals and also water supply to children.

When this kind of rhetoric goes unchallenged in the media, it’s scary.

You will be better off spending your time questioning your government about where intelligence to raid homes and fire missiles into mosques come from.

I feel for all families that have had to deal with tragedy in Iraq. Sometimes, the media makes wrong judgements in putting questionable pictures up.

It is done to show the severity of the situation. It is not done as a slight to the families.

It is done so that there can be more public discourse about this severe situation and more suggestions offered.

Ikechukwu Enenmoh


Mechanical Engineering