LETTER: Terrorists threaten our freedoms

This letter is in response to Justin Mack’s question: How exactly was my freedom threatened by Iraq?

As Americans we are all entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Mr. Mack feels terrorism does not threaten his freedom and says when an enemy invades the physical borders of the United States, then he will take the matter seriously.

All too often, people don’t see terrorism for what it is. When the United States was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, so was every one of its citizens.

See, your freedom is directly impacted by any assault on the freedoms of any other American.

When terrorists chose to attack the United States, they didn’t just attack people, they attacked the American way of life; they attacked me!

Personally, I find that extremely offensive and demand action! It is our duty, as Americans, to avenge the deaths of the victims of Sept. 11 and defend our freedom from the unjust.

Iraq has fostered terrorists for years, and Saddam was one of the largest violators of human rights in the latter part of the twentieth century.

The man killed thousands upon thousands of men without just cause, and the world just turned the other cheek. Resolution after resolution was ignored, and what did the United Nations do?

Of course, they wrote another resolution. As an American, I take extreme pride in the fact that my country and my president rose to the occasion and emerged as the world’s defender of freedom.

America showed the world that a free society is moral and just in overthrowing an illegitimate regime that threatens its people and interests.

At the expense of 581 soldiers, we have saved the lives of thousands and avenged the unjust execution of hundreds of thousands.

Was it worth it?

For me the answer is clear, because I know as an American I am entitled to seek life, liberty and the tenacious pursuit of all those who threaten it.

Joseph Loring


Transportation and Logistics