Orchesis will use theme of relationships in year’s final concert on Sunday

Lara Christianson

When an ISU dance team performs about relationships, relationships within the group will also be tested.

Orchesis I will be giving its spring concert at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Betty Toman Theater, 196 Forker Building.

Jennifer Karabatsos, president of Orchesis I, says the title of the show is a good description of relationships.

“In a way, that is what relationships are about,” says Karabatsos, senior in animal ecology. “They don’t always make sense to the people involved. The relationships just work.”

There will be 10 originally choreographed pieces which convey their own messages and meanings about relationships.

As one of the choreographers for “Functionally Unfocused,” Karabatsos had to choose a theme for her piece.

“I didn’t have a specific relationship in mind,” Karabatsos says. “I was able to create a dance that showed people coming together and getting along and being able to be a comfort to another person.”

Amy Martin, Orchesis I adviser and lecturer of health and human performance, says the theme of relationships is a broad topic.

“Some dances focus on the relationship between different forms of dance,” Martin says. “Others focus on relationships in a family or with friends or significant others.”

Stjepan Rajko, performer and graduate assistant in computer science, says he thinks the theme will help the dances be more appealing.

“People sometimes find modern dance concerts to be too abstract,” Rajko says. “The audience should relate pretty easily to ‘Functionally Unfocused.'”

Karabatsos also says the audience should be able to enjoy the show more, because these are experiences they may have had and may be able to relate to.

Rajko says he is also choreographing a piece that loosely deals with the relationship between jazz and hip-hop.

Martin says one thing different about this performance is the majority of the choreographers are first-time stage choreographers.

“Four theater students have been doing independent studies in choreography with me this semester,” Martin says.

“They have researched a different choreographer and created a dance based off their work. It is going to be quite an event.”

Rajko says the choreographers put in a great deal of time rehearsing and getting the choreography put together.

“I am very proud of the group effort to put the show together,” Rajko says. “Everyone has been putting in their all.”

This is the last concert of the year for Orchesis I.

Karabatsos says it will be tough to know this is the last time some of the members will be dancing with Orchesis I.

This is the last semester for Rajko, and he says he has been able to work and dance alongside an amazing group of people.

“I doubt that I’ll find something just like Orchesis anywhere else,” Rajko says.

Rajko says one of the most appealing thing about dance to him is the amount of room to improve.

“I am not so good at dance,” Rajko says. “I love to see the improvement.”

Rajko says the different aspects of relationships and the variety of dance will appeal to a large audience.

“The concert will satisfy the eye, the mind, the heart and the soul of the audience,” Rajko says.

What: “Functionally Unfocused”

Where: Betty Toman Theater, 196 Forker Building

When: 2 p.m., Sunday

Cost: $3