LETTER: Students speak out about Veishea riot

Iowa State University Student Body:

In response to the disturbances on early Sunday morning, April 18, 2004, the Iowa State University students, administration and the City of Ames would like to provide all students the opportunity to offer their personal accounts of what they experienced. If you would like to provide a description of your personal experience, please go to this Web site: www.gsb.iastate.edu/incident/

Complete the form and return it to the Government of the Student Body office (G43, East Student Office Space, Memorial Union), the Vice President for Student Affairs Office (2350 Beardshear Hall), or the Ames Police Department (515 Clark Ave.).

All responses will be carefully reviewed and routed to the appropriate agency.

This will aid in a more complete assessment of the situation so that all parties can better understand the events that took place and how to prevent them from happening in the future.

We welcome you to attend a community forum moderated by City Councilman Matthew Goodman that will bring all parties together in a civil manner to provide information and interaction. The forum will be held at the Great Hall of the Memorial Union on Thursday, April 29 at 7 p.m.

Sophia Magill


Government of the Student Bdy