LETTER: Underage drinking a cause of riot

There is no doubt that the Veishea weekend riot was largely fueled by the over consumption of alcohol and underage drinking. Youth & Shelter Services and others have been working hard to promote discussion, education, and legislation to deal with the growing binge drinking problem among our youth.

Maybe now we’ll see more thoughtful consideration and wider community participation in addressing this epidemic of alcohol abuse.

The Saturday night riot in Campustown has brought into question the future of Veishea. The 2005 cancellation of Veishea, though understandable, would be a mistake. I urge ISU administration to thoughtfully investigate the cause of the riot and to take action. In my opinion, this riot should be placed primarily at the doorstep of alcohol abuse. I have little doubt that binge drinking and cheap and easily available alcohol fueled the riot.

Though Veishea events are free of alcohol as is university property, off-campus and private party drinking is at an all-time high.

The lower the price of alcohol, the more young people purchase, and the more they drink. One barometer of what’s happening in the university community is the campus newspaper.

Prior to and during Veishea, the Iowa State Daily had full-page grocery store ads primarily devoted to the sale of cheap beer and hard liquor. One will also find bar specials that lure young drinkers into their establishments early with two-for-one drinks specials and low-cost pitchers. They start with very low prices in the evening and increase the cost throughout the night.

Iowa State, the business community, Ames City Council, and the Board of Supervisors can all take steps to pass legislation to reduce bar alcohol specials, create beer keg registration and reduce grocery store, and bar promotions of inexpensive liquor.

The Story County Prevention Policy Board, SAFE Coalition, ISU Student Health and YSS itself have all been working to reduce binge drinking and now is the time for decisive action. Rather than ending Veishea, YSS would propose a comprehensive campaign be launched to address binge drinking as follows:

* Require alcohol merchants to eliminate all drink specials two weeks prior to Veishea including bars, grocery stores and convenience stores.

* Crack down on alcohol bootlegging practices including private party cover charges, cup sales, entertainment fees and charging at the door for private parties. Increase penalties and enforcement.

* Increase the fines for nuisance private party charges, including property owners.

* Pass beer keg registration either statewide or in each local county.

* Increase the excise tax on alcohol (legislature) and use the money for expanded alcohol education and prevention.

* Eliminate bar drink specials (expansion of the Ames drinking buffet ordinance).

* Expand police-conducted alcohol compliance checks; this will help reduce illegal alcohol sales to underage youth.

* Expand campaign to educate ISU students and public school youth about the health and legal consequences of drinking.

* Create an education campaign directed at parents to include the liability of providing alcohol to underage youth.

* Increase the penalty for illegally providing alcohol to underage drinkers.

* Increase the enforcement and penalty for underage drinking.

* Urge the ISU Athletic Department to pledge to eliminate alcohol-related television ads during sports events. One hundred five schools have already joined the campaign for alcohol-free sports television.

* Ask Iowa State to create an alcohol-free zone around the football stadium, thus promoting fun tailgating for both students and the general public without alcohol.

Taking these and other steps to reduce alcohol abuse will not only help to reduce the risk of another Veishea drunken riot but will help to reduce this public health problem throughout the year.

George Belitsos


Youth and Shelter Services, Inc.