Ag senator runs for Iowa House

Shyam Goswami

A Government of the Student Body senator will attempt to make the jump from student government politics to state politics.

Erik Christian, GSB agriculture senator, is running for the 10th District seat in the Iowa House of Representatives.

Christian, a Democrat, said his experience as a senator with GSB will help him if elected.

“GSB has taught me to look at issues and make an informed decision,” Christian said.

As a member of GSB finance committee, Christian said he learned how to handle issues with allocating a limited amount of money to student organizations on campus — a job which proved especially difficult this year for the finance committee as GSB faced a $406,000 deficit.

“[The finance committee showed me] how to deal when there’s not enough money around,” Christian said. “I learned how to prioritize.”

GSB Vice President Ben Albright, senior in agricultural studies, said he agreed Christian’s experience would help in the Iowa House.

“He should know the parliamentary process,” Albright said. “GSB is modeled after the U.S. and state governments.”

If elected, Christian said he will work to increase funding for state education.

“Increased education funding, especially in K-12 [is important to me],” he said.

The money could be raised by streamlining government programs to increase efficiency and reduce waste, Christian said. Some funding could also be cut from less necessary programs.

Christian said he would also like to see incentives for graduates of Iowa schools to stay in the state.

“Incentives for college and other graduates to stay in Iowa could benefit the state,” Christian said.

Tax incentives were one option to keep students in Iowa, he said. Some students who know Christian were caught off guard when they found out he was running.

“I was a little surprised,” Albright said. “I didn’t realize he was that politically active. I didn’t have him pegged as being politically active in other groups.”

He said he thinks Christian is a good senator.

“I think he does his research and makes his decision based on facts,” Albright said.

Yet some GSB senators were not surprised. Henry Alliger, who serves with Christian as the other GSB agriculture senator, said he was not surprised Christian is running for state office.

“No, I’m not surprised he’s running, ” Alliger said. “He seems interested in the political process, and he’s graduating soon.”

He said Christian doesn’t get caught up in the politics of an issue — a quality he said will be beneficial to Christian as he runs for representative.

“He focuses on the issue and the effect it will have on students and GSB,” Alliger said.

Christian agreed he can make an objective opinion if elected, as he’s done so in GSB.

“I’m able to make the right decision,” he said.

Christian said he’s a good candidate because he can bring a new perspective to the Iowa house.

“There are not a lot of people who represent our age group,” he said. “How many representatives just graduated from college?”