LETTER: Lack of jobs traced back to presidents

One of the major issues in the coming election is jobs, or the lack of them. Economists are surprised at the lack of job growth this far into an economic recovery.

Some cynics might say that all the new jobs are being outsourced to India because it is much easier, from a public relations perspective, to outsource new positions than to fire employees before outsourcing their job.

Our current administration is embracing this concept with open arms.

Colin Powell traveled to India recently to assure them our president would do nothing to stop the outsourcing of American jobs to their country.

Gregory Mankiw, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said that outsourcing was a plus for the economy. In addition, the latest annual report on the economy from the President says, “When a good or service is produced more cheaply abroad, it makes more sense to import it than to make or produce it domestically.”

The president would be a liar if he says during his campaign he will fight to keep jobs such as computer programmers, accountants, X-ray diagnosticians and call centers from going overseas.

Economists generally believe that outsourcing is a good thing, but also say government needs to help people get through the transition with job training, extended unemployment benefits, etc.

Republicans generally tend to be unsympathetic toward American workers and their families, so don’t count on them passing legislation to help displaced workers any time soon.

The president should propose legislation to fund new initiatives to develop new technology rather than proposing manned missions to Mars.

Ted Peterson

